Festival des Nomades



In the heart of the Sahara, the Festival International des Nomades in M’hamid El Ghizlane is an annual celebration that draws visitors worldwide. Commissioned by the Association Nomades du Monde, we produced a 20-minute documentary showcasing the traditions and activities integral to nomadic culture during the Festival des Nomades. As a trusted provider of documentary service in Morocco, we were responsible for the entire production process, from pre-production to post-production.

Festival des Nomades

Editing, sound design, and narration were key elements in transforming hours of footage into a captivating 20-minute documentary. With our dedication to documentary service in Morocco, we strived for seamless transitions and compelling storytelling throughout the production process. The result is an immersive experience, allowing viewers to connect with the heart of nomadic culture at M’hamid El Ghizlane during the Festival International des Nomades.

Client – Association Nomades du Monde
Production – Nabeeld & Broadway productions
Duration  – shortform and full program content 
Services – pre-production, production, shoot, post-production